I once prayed to God to send me an angel.
One that would protect, love, and want me with unconditional surrender. I needed one desperately, you see, because those around had abandoned me. I remained alone, always alone, it seemed, yet I had no choice but to go on the sad path that destiny had me follow. From that moment on, I kept all at arm's length and held on fiercely to my wounded soul. I refused to let my guard down; I wanted the control, I needed the experience. I could not love and be loved for fear of desertion. I remained distant, I became aloof, yet I could not deny my heart's lonely cries.
I once prayed to God to send me a soul mate. One that would love me, need me, and stay with me. I craved one hopefully, you see, because the world around had surrounded me. I became lost, so very lost in it, yet I patiently went on the path that fate had me follow. All my life, I had carried the pain and sorrow by myself. There was no one to kiss the sadness away, no one to love, no one to keep.
Then, one day, I met a man whose tender gaze broke down my protective walls. He looked deep into my soul and he never let it go. In the beginning, we were both afraid to try, both afraid to love. We became best friends yet always wanting more. Somehow, he gently made me see that I could truly love him as he did me. In the end, when our bodies and souls became one, he promised that he would always love, protect, and want me. I promised the same in return, as our spirits cried out in joy in response to their reunion.
Then, one day, God came knocking on my door. It seemed He was there to take
back something I had borrowed, which I was not allowed to keep. I had to
return the angel He had once lent me. I was alone once more, yet I was with
him all the same. If I could not have in body, then I would hold onto him in
spirit, which is the eternal embodiment of my soul mate, my guardian angel...
by Vanessa Madrid